Thursday, October 24, 2013

Music Review - Two Steps From Hell

We interrupt our usual MMO reviews to bring you the following special report:

Everyone should know about these men.

Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix are the men behind some of the best music of our generation - and you never even knew. No, I’m not talking about Miley Cyrus’s producers or Justin Bieber’s songwriters. Honestly?  Please.

I’m talking about the most overlooked music (except to all you other audiophiles out there) that everyone hears. Movie trailer and soundtrack music. Yes, this is a genre of music. One of the best, in my opinion, and these two absolutely own it. Think about the best action/adventure/thriller movie trailers you’ve seen in the past, say, three years. The Avengers, Skyfall, Prometheus, Brave, Lincoln (both the tribute and vampire version), Avatar, Star Trek, Narnia, Transformers… the list goes on. You can view the list of moves here.

The duo got together in 2006 with the intent to create compelling, original music for movie trailers. Due to their success, and by popular demand, they released four albums in 2010 showcasing the work they’d done. I was introduced to them by my husband when he showed me this YouTube video EpicMusicVn created matching epic music to scenes from video games and movies. Not all of the music is from Two Steps From Hell, but they have a distinct sound that should be easy to pick out.

The next day, like most obsessive music lovers, I went directly to Amazon and purchased the Skyworld CD (which came with an instant mp3 download, w00t!) and put the entire 22 track album on loop for the rest of my work day.

Skyworld is a little bit different from the other three albums, but it was the one with the songs I enjoyed most from the YouTube video. I subsequently purchased Invincible (also with instant mp3 download; I love you, and was not disappointed.

Each song is like listening to a two- to four-minute story, enriched with emotion, suspense, romance, and action. Some of the tracks have hauntingly beautiful vocals, and the range of instruments (whether real or electronic) is fantastic.

Seriously, go check them out. To me, Skyworld is 22 bits of musical heaven.
My name is Introvert. I’m not Anti-Social or Shy, but they are my close friends. I enjoy being alone. I feel the most energized, creative, and happy this way.

Most don’t understand me. Extrovert is always chatting, laughing, and smiling. He says, “C’mon, Introvert! Loosen up!” I’m not frightened like Shy, or nervous like Anxious, or even avoidant like Anti-Social. I’m just… me.

I like conversation. Sit with me and Content in a quiet coffee shop and talk about travel, music, literature, or art. Ask me where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. Ask me what I think. I like hiking and exploring with Adventurous, and enjoy watching the sun rise or set with Peaceful.

Don’t take me to the club with Partier. I can’t help but see all the details, consider all the smells, and feel all the loud bass beats. I have to decipher and analyze everything around me. It’s just my nature, and it’s exhausting.

When you “hang out” with me, don’t be bothered by silence. For me, it’s as natural as sound. In fact, sometimes I prefer it. It doesn’t mean I’m bored, it means I’m comfortable enough to be around you without the need to make meaningless small talk. Otherwise, I’d just walk away.

Don’t rush me. I spend a lot of time thinking. I think about what to say, what to do, how to do it, which one to buy, what to wear, why one is better or worse, short term benefits, long term goals, costs, bills, and a dozen other things all before breakfast. I may be quiet...

but my mind is not.